3rd Annual Environmental Film Festival April 12-14, 2016

April 12-14, 2016  EcoCinema Cafe -a Marathon Film Festival 
Award-winning films morning till night!
ecocinema2014The John Jay College Sustainability and Environmental Justice (S– USEJ) program and the College’s Sustainability Council are co-hosting the 2016 EcoCinema Cafe. Award winning films will be shown from morning till night in the Student Dining Hall! There will be a discussion after each film, often facilitated by the filmmaker, a community resource or subject expert.  Faculty are encouraged to bring their entire class and to give extra credit for students who attend on their own.  For more information, a list of films and a schedule which is being updated frequently, see the festival website:  http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/ecocinema-cafe-marathon-film-festival


EcoCinema Cafe is a program of the Environmental Education Fund (EEF)
