wed july 18 11am support phase out coal

Join us at the hearing in Long Island City to support phasing out coal and replacing it with clean energy, not dirty fracked gas  or biomass — RSVP today!

Here are the hearing details:

WHAT: Power Plant Pollution Protection – Public Hearing, Long Island City
WHEN: Wednesday July 18, 11: 00 a.m. (Press Conference at 10:30 a.m – Meet at 10:15 at the Murray Playground – 45th Rd. & 21st St, Long Island City, NY 11101)
WHERE: DOT, 1 Hunters Point Plaza, 47-40 21st St, Rm 834,  Long Island City, NY (MAP)

Questions? Shay O’Reilly at

RSVP for the hearing in Long Island City today to let us know you can attend!