On May 4th, professor Milena Popov and her students from the Eco Art and Design course organized an Eco-Fashion Show at John Jay College. At this 3rd Eco-Fashion show at John Jay, students showcased environmentally conscious garments and accessories they designed during the Spring 2023 semester.
The audience was able to see various types of eco-fashion design types, from t-shirts and scarfs with environmental messages and garments dyed with natural pigments, to upcycled garments, jewelry, and other accessories made with found objects and materials, as well as crocheted accessories made with bamboo and recycled yarns.
T-shirt and bag with environmental message applications, paired with double layer mask made with found objects and materials,as well as a baseball cap with various types of applications.Two jeans pants turned into a skirt, paired with a cropped top with jute collar and a brace-let and headdress made of found natural materials.Shirt and hat with fabric applications,paired with ring and earrings made with recycled yarns.Top made of an old shirt and a dress with safety pin applications, paired with a bandana with safety pin applications and earring made of found objects.Coffee and turmeric dyed fringed t-shirt, paired with a vest made of a shopping bag and found fabric.Cut-out t-shirt with environmental message, paired with a bamboo yarn crocheted shirt, recycled yarn crocheted hat/bag and jewelry and pins made of found objects and materials.Umbrella turned into poncho, paired with recycled yarn crocheted hat, necklace made of bottle caps and pocketbook made of old painting canvases.Fringed blue jeans pants with various beaded applications, paired with a belt made of found objects,a top made of an old jeans skirt and shirt,and a scarf with environmental message.T-shirt and headband made of an old dress, paired with a jacket with environmental messages,jewelry made of found objects and materials,and a bag made of old t-shirts.Turmeric dyed t-shirt and shorts, paired with plastic bag crocheted into a bag, cut-out long sleeve top, and jewelry made with found objects and materials.Newspaper skirt, paired with plastic bag turned into a tank top,a bag made of an old shirt,and a bracelet made of found objects and materials.Cut-out shirt with applications paired with a bag with applications.Winged hat paired with a t-shirt with environmental messageand jewelry made of found objects and materials.
At the show, students also handed out a brochure to the audience. This brochure contained not only information about the show, but also tips for audience members who wish to lower their individual fashion eco-footprint. Student-designers and audience members were delighted with the show and were hoping for the eco-fashion show to be held at the college every semester, or at least annually.