Joanne Guerra Racing Extinction   Racing Extinction, directed by Louie Psihoyos, is a 2015 documentary in which undercover activists illustrate the mass extinction of animals due to human activity. These activists traveled globally and brought to light issues of the …

Racing Extinction – Film Review Read more »

By Sacha Chadwick A surprisingly unheard of phenomenon in many Western countries, bear gall bladder consumption is very popular in the Eastern and Southern Asian regions, most notably in Japan, China, and South Korea. What Westerners would consider ‘strange’ and peculiar, …

Bear gall bladder trafficking for traditional Asian medicine Read more »

By Joan Hoffman Human predation is rooted in the financial gain to be made from selling various species and their parts. Four of our wildlife and environmental specialists from our prior brown bag lunch talks at John Jay College: Julie …

Species loss and the need for environmental education are common themes discussed by SEJ experts Read more »

By Mary Ting During winter break, I had the opportunity to be part of a twelve-day tortoise conservation-focused tour to the Galapagos Islands organized by Russell Burke, biology professor at Hofstra University. The group included a number of noted turtle scientists, …

Reporting back from the Galapagos Read more »

By Ellen Osborne Even though rhinos are on the World Wildlife Fund’s list of critical species, over one thousand rhinoceroses have been poached in the last five years. To combat the increase of illegal poaching, INTERPOL launched Project Wisdom, which …

Hunting the horn leaves the rhinos forlorn: Rhinoceros poaching in Africa Read more »

The SEJ Program welcomed anti-poaching ranger Matt Bracken for a talk on his efforts to confront rhino poaching in South Africa. His presentation centered on the role that demand for rhino horn in Vietnam and China has played in creating …

Boots on the ground: Protecting rhinos in South Africa from poachers Read more »

Matt Bracken, a ranger who works to protect rhinos in South Africa will be giving a talk on his work at John Jay College of Criminal Justice on December 3 during community hour.  Please join us in room 3510, North Hall, …

Boots on the ground: Protecting rhinos in South Africa from poachers Read more »

By Sacha Chadwick Wildlife crime is defined as any violation of a criminal law intended to protect wildlife. Researchers Kristie Blevins and Terry Edwards state that poaching is one of the most notable wildlife crimes. Recent news articles have shown that …

Tiger-poaching in Thailand is on the rise Read more »

By Juan Hernandez Between 1979 and 1989, the international increase for the demand of ivory from animal tusks caused elephant populations to dramatically decline, mostly due to the resulting poaching and trafficking of elephants.  In particular, Africa’s elephant population was cut in half. …

Elephant poaching: 100,00 killed in the last three years alone Read more »